Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Lord's Prayer in Old Cénárol: Translation & Analysis

One of the major elements in THE MAVONDURI TRILOGY is the ancient language of the Wolven, which I refer to as "Old Cénárol". In the books, it is described as a language of "formality, war and prayer," used by priests, leaders and loremasters on occasions of importance and study. For those who have read MATHION: BOOK ONE OF THE MAVONDURI TRILOGY, they will know that the character of Elekan, the White Wolf companion of the protagonist, uses this speech in his communications with Mathion. Because he, and all White Wolves, are held sacred by Mathion's people, the use of Old Cénárol in the manifestation of his thoughts serves to impress the importance of his nature to the reader. So that one may better understand this unique language, I have translated the Lord's Prayer into it and provided a detailed analysis of the vocabulary and parts of speech. I hope this will prove both informative and enjoyable to all fans of fantasy literature and conlanging alike.

(Hakto Dâron)

1. Ariv hakto dâron ik Váravénahya
Our father who art in Heaven

2. Cadimat u thare uver
Hallowed be thy name

3. Em daetekt u véné uver
Thy kingdom come

4. Em axtel un télan uveron
Thy will be done

5. T'em ramar Cendimuha té araya Vénahya uver
On Earth as it is in Heaven

6. Beo tharav dâkten lévo i ceor
Give us this day our daily bread

7. Al em gast'la dor un nécyanil té gastade kyor ik tel'thayadh néca dâkten
And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us

8. Beo em et-tath'va žehletæ
Lead us not into temptation

9. Ne firóv dor Ak'horosava
But deliver us from the Evil One


1. Ariv- v. "you are" (similar definition to Spanish "estas", i.e. in terms of location); hakto- n. Father; dâron- pronoun "our"; genitive case (nominative "we, us"); ik Váravénahya- "who (is) in Heaven" Váravénahya "Heaven": lit. "High-realm", locative case

2. Cadimat v. "it is blessed", passive voice u thare- n. "name", accusative case (nominative thari); uver pronoun "your" (nom. uve "you")

3. Em daetekt v. subjunctive future "may it come" (infinitive daetim "to come, arrive"); u véné acc. "realm" (nom. véna)); uver

4. Em axtel v. subjunctive pl. "may they be done"; un télan uveron your deeds (singular téla "deed")

5. T'em ramar verb phrase "as they might be"; Cendimuha n. "on Earth" locative case; "as"; araya v. "are", present tense plural; Vénahya n. "realm", locative case "in (your) Realm"; uver pronoun "you", genitive case

6. Beo "please"; tharav v. "(you) give"; dâkten pronoun "us", dative case i.e. "to us" lévo n. "bread", accusative case (nom. lévae); i ceor "this day"

7. Al "and"; em gast'la v. subjunctive "may you forgive" (inf. gastim); dor "us" accusative case plural; un nécyanil n. "wrongs" dative plural; té gastade kyor "as we forgive those (i.e. "them","; ik "who"; tel'thayadh v. Present Perfect "have done" (inf. telim "do") néca n. "wrong"; dâkten "to us" dative

8. Beo "please"; em et-tath'va v. subjunctive "do not lead (us)" (inf. tathej "lead, summon, make come"); žehletæ n. "(towards) temptation" (nom. žehletue)

9. Ne "however"; firóv v. "(you) lead (lit. "take away", inf. firur); dor "we, us"; Ak'horosava n. "away from Ak'horos" ablative case (motion away)

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